PR is his Blood – BBPR takes the Crown

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. No, Hasan Rizvi didn’t say that, George Bernard Shaw did, however, Hasan definitely lived this quote literally, and that is how BBPR was born.

Hasan Rizvi, the man behind BBPR, has raised it well. He is not just the man driving it but also the fuel that ignites the creative power of the agency from within. He is a good storyteller and you need to be one if you plan to make people listen. That is exactly what he did.

Through decades of experience in PR and media, he has time and again proved his worth by adding value staying power for his clients while staying up to speed with the evolving culture and society. Take notes Future publicists, this is how you go down in history, by making every move your best and better than the rest.

Since day one, Body Beat Public Relations has never shied away from new, innovative ways to help a brand tell its story. Just review some of their earliest work and you will see creativity and innovation brimming to the top. Cornetto Pop rock was appreciated for its different and fun approach to music and went on to win multiple awards. The Anti Trolling Softmint Campaign is easily part of the top best campaigns in Pakistan to date. It went viral and helped support a very good cause too. BBPR has a long list of successful campaigns and projects and just last year won multiple EFFIEs.

Taking its evolution forward and forever growing, BBPR is soon expanding to GCC regions for countries like Saudia Arabis, Qatar and UAE.

Adding to their innovative practices, BBPR was the first to introduce the largest micro-influencer network through their platform Digirati. Furthermore, it is also specialized in content creation thanks to their sister concern C-Virus.

If you ever want to invest in something, it should be PR. A good PR can help raise the performance and credibility of a brand or a business. BBPR know this all too well and that is why it is one of the most sought-after Public Relations company in Pakistan.